Reloop Events

Event ended


8th European REUSE Conference



On 6 July 2021, Reloop – in association with the European Association of Beverage Wholesalers (CEGROBB), Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthifle e.V.), and Private Breweries Germany (Private Brauereien Deutschland) – will host the 8th European REUSE Conference “Reuse for future: Legislative and practical approaches to truly sustainable packaging.

At the conference, we will present and explore best-practice and cutting-edge approaches to reusable packaging – and discuss how policies can enable a successful EU-wide shift towards reuse across different market segments.

The conference will feature contributions by high-level representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament and member states as well as experts from industry, research and civil society. Networking and interactive segments will provide opportunities for inspiring exchanges.

Conference Materials 

Featured speakers:

Clarissa Morawski

Chief Executive Officer

About Clarissa

Working with governments, industry and not-for-profits, Clarissa brings nearly 30 years of technical, analytical and communications experience in waste reduction policies and operations. In 1998, she started CM Consulting (, whose published reports have been embraced as essential resources for professionals in industry and the recycling sector.

In 2015, Clarissa moved with her family from Canada to Europe, where she co-founded the Reloop Platform. As CEO, Clarissa works with stakeholders and partners to develop smart, practical and effective policy frameworks and operational recommendations. Clarissa uses science and her no-nonsense communication skills to make the case for ambitious policy.

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