Collect more, Sort more Programme


Reloop Programme 4

Collect more, Sort more

Packaging collected properly in separate collection systems, with effective separation of any remaining mixed waste.

Even when modern, high-performing, separate collection systems are in place, there will still be some packaging that is collected via municipal waste collections, often referred to as ‘black bag waste’.

To reach higher levels of recycling and reduce carbon emissions, this waste should be sorted before being sent to thermal treatment or landfill.

Collect More

Collect more, Sort more forms part of Reloop’s five inter-related programmes, which work to establish a globally consistent approach to a circular economy for packaging.

Reloop Programme 1

Packaging measurable via fully transparent and accurate data.

Packaging which is designed for circularity.

Reloop Programme 3

Packaging subject to deposits or charges.

Reloop Programme 5

Packaging made with mandated high levels of recycled content.

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