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Australian Webinar Series – Packaging EPR Schemes: Lessons from Europe

In the lead up to the public consultation on packaging reforms in Australia, the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia (WMRR) and Reloop have joined forces to bring you a series of webinars on the latest developments in managing packaging in Europe.

Over three (3) one-hour sessions, staff from Reloop will provide an overview of EU policy and member state implementation:

Webinar #1 – Tuesday 27 February 2024 | 5pm AEDT

Our first event will assess the substantial shift and modernisation of Sweden’s 30-year-old packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme to accommodate circular economy objectives.

Register here.

Webinar #2 – Tuesday, 12 March 2024 | 5pm AEDT

Up next, we’ll take a look at EPR trends in Europe, including some policy approaches that may not work so well, with a focus on Poland and Romania.

Register here.

Webinar #3 – Tuesday, 26 March 2024 | 5pm AEDT

Our third and final session will provide an overview of how France intends to implement the EU packaging and waste directive and recovery targets to its own packaging EPR scheme.

Register here.

The webinars will be co-hosted by WMRR CEO Gayle Sloan and Director of Reloop Pacific, Robert Kelman.

Cost: Free for members of WMRR. $30 for non-members.

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