Reloop News

Reloop News - Deposit Return

The data shows an urgent need for an ‘all-inclusive’ deposit return system (DRS) which is consistent with other DRS across the UK and which includes glass and plastic bottles of all sizes, as well as cans.

Reloop News - Deposit Return

Zero Waste Europe has prepared a short primer explaining how deposit systems work and how they can be used to help Europe move towards a circular economy.

Reloop News - Deposit Return

Less than 24 hours after Scotland became the first part of the UK to announce details of such a scheme, environmental campaigners across the globe united in an international day of action to urge more countries to adopt a deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks cans and bottles.

Reloop News - Circular Economy

Reloop has prepared a short backgrounder to summarize some of the key elements of the Directive, including what measures have been proposed to minimize the usage of single-use plastic items.

Reloop News - Reuse

Menstrual products generate extraordinary amounts of waste. It has been estimated that an average woman disposes approximately 150 kilograms of tampons, pads, and applicators in her lifetime, around 90% of which is plastic.

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