2019 British Beach Clean Results Now Available

…urgent need for an ‘all-inclusive’ deposit return system (DRS) which is consistent with other DRS across the UK and which includes glass and plastic bottles of all sizes, as well…

Reloop France et Francophonie


…waste in nature, including plastic and glass bottles, as well as cans. Resource: Video   La mise en place de la consigne du recyclage a t-elle impacté la consigne du réemploi…

Target 90

Target 90

…exponential power of circularity as it relates to collecting 90% of beverage packaging and then using the maximum amount in closed loop recycling; can-to-can or bottle-to-bottle. The combination of these…

Zero Waste Europe releases DRS Manifesto

…to allow for bottle-to-bottle recycling. 14. DRS can finance themselves, no matter what system (manual or automatic) is chosen. 15. DRS are an exemplary way to implement the Extended Producer…

Reloop Press

…containers wasted nationally every year Reloop data shows that more than 140 billion empty drinks containers – glass bottles, PET plastic bottles and metal cans – were wasted across the…

Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

…and plastic bottles in order to reach a 90% collection for recycling target by 2029. Exemptions may be issued to a Member State that has achieved 80% collection by 2026….

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