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Redemption Moves onto Return

How to Get Point-of-Return Right

Redemption, the podcast designed to save DRS, moves further into A Guide to Modern Deposit Return Systems: 10 Essential Practices.

In Episode 3, we take a look at Practice 2: Point-of-Return Requirements.

Returning empty beverage containers for a deposit refund should be as easy as a routine grocery shopping trip. When point-of-return requirements are embedded in bottle bill legislation, it ensures a consumer-friendly collection network, which drives up return rates for containers. 

One country that has used this practice in the best possible way is Germany. To find out more, we talked with:

  • Henriette Schneider, who is the CEO of a consultancy in Germany that supports stakeholder groups in setting up optimising, and ultimately scaling effective systems for packaging, and
  • Mike Noel, Public Affairs Director at Tomra.

They both highlight the importance for a modern DRS to focus on the return-to-retailer approach and make sure there are sufficient return points, in both urban and rural settings, to ensure convenience, access, and equity for consumers.

Subscribe and tune in to Redemption on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music.

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