Webinar Series: Packaging EPR Schemes: Lessons from Europe (France)
Webinar discussing developments in managing packaging in Europe, and what we can learn from them in the lead up to public consultation on packaging reforms in Australia.
Webinar Series: Packaging EPR Schemes: Lessons from Europe (France)
Webinar discussing developments in managing packaging in Europe, and what we can learn from them in the lead up to public consultation on packaging reforms in Australia.
Webinar Series: Packaging EPR Schemes: Lessons from Europe (Sweden)
Webinar offering invaluable insights into Sweden’s pioneering Extended Producer Responsibility scheme.
Webinar Series: Packaging EPR Schemes: Lessons from Europe (Romania and Poland)
Webinar on approaches adopted by Romania and Poland in meeting EU requirements, including EPR scheme responsibilities and governance.
Victorian CDS will not lead to increased prices
Article written for Inside Waste, November 2023, Robert Kelman.
Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers and Cartons
Reloop’s input to the Hong Kong Government regarding the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers (PPRS), including recommendations on specific issues.
Soft Plastics Scheme: The basis of true EPR?
Article written for Inside Waste, July 2023, Robert Kelman.
How Hong Kong’s Plastic Waste Fight Can Set the Course for Asia’s Future
Article written for South China Morning Post, December 2022, Robert Kelman.
Bin There, Done That
Article written for Waste Management Review, October 2022, Robert Kelman.
Submission to Singapore Government Consultation on Beverage Container Return Scheme
A submission towards the government’s final determination on scheme design, eligible containers, targets, and deposit values.