Reloop News

Reloop News - Deposit Return

The data shows an urgent need for an ‘all-inclusive’ deposit return system (DRS) which is consistent with other DRS across the UK and which includes glass and plastic bottles of all sizes, as well as cans.

Reloop News - Deposit Return

Zero Waste Europe has prepared a short primer explaining how deposit systems work and how they can be used to help Europe move towards a circular economy.

Reloop News - Deposit Return

Less than 24 hours after Scotland became the first part of the UK to announce details of such a scheme, environmental campaigners across the globe united in an international day of action to urge more countries to adopt a deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks cans and bottles.

Reloop News - Deposit Return Recycled Content

This article makes the business case for deposit return and examines how it can actually be good for companies, helping them to gain greater control over performance and costs and reduce their risks.

Reloop News - Deposit Return

Reloop and CM Consulting have produced a series of fact sheets to help promote understanding of the some of the various aspects of deposit return.

Reloop News - Deposit Return

In this series of eight short videos, Reloop provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about deposit return schemes.

Reloop News - Deposit Return

To help explain how deposit-systems actually work, Reloop has put together two short animation films.

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