Reloop News

Reloop News - Circular Economy

Reloop has prepared a short backgrounder to summarize some of the key elements of the Directive, including what measures have been proposed to minimize the usage of single-use plastic items.

Reloop News - Reuse

Menstrual products generate extraordinary amounts of waste. It has been estimated that an average woman disposes approximately 150 kilograms of tampons, pads, and applicators in her lifetime, around 90% of which is plastic.

Reloop News - Collection and Sorting

This report sets out the latest thinking on how we can more sustainably manage and tackle single-use plastic pollution.

Reloop News - Reuse

According to a recent Ellen MacArthur Foundation report, at least 20 percent of plastic packaging could be profitably reused. Given this vast potential, it makes sense that the EU is giving consideration to reuse in its new Circular Economy Package (CEP).

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