Reloop’s submissions to UN Plastic Treaty

Beyond the eight key recommendations to strengthen the UN’s plastic treaty text, Reloop and its associated experts have prepared papers that clarify issues in the treaty negotiations and have submitted technical papers to the INC process.

  • INC-3 Written Submission A

    Reloop’s written submission in advance of INC-3, commenting on the scope of the International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI).

  • INC-2 Written Submission

    This Position paper for INC-2 focuses on the issues of binding targets that will need to be met by governments, the importance of a global common language and data systems, and how to establish a reliable framework for Extended Producer Responsibility.

  • Addressing the global plastic waste crisis

    UNEP’s Turning Off the Tap study downplays the importance and feasibility of delivering quality and convenient waste management services. This study contends that the scale and costs involved make it impractical to implement comprehensive waste collection services for all.

Summaries of Reloop’s submissions to the INC process

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